Stars Across America DVD

SKU: 41401D
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In the latest block party series from Quilt in a Day, Eleanor Burns honors twelve famous American women with a magnificent star sampler. Eleanor opens each program with a colorful bit of historical background, then proceeds to make a single star block with its own creative border treatment. Her cheerful instructions take viewers through all the steps of finishing a twelve-block sampler quilt, while lively anecdotes will provide entertainment for non-quilters in the audience.

Each program features a brief historical background of a famous American woman, instructions for one block, and a special border treatment.

Barbara Frietchie - Star 

This traditional star, named for a staunch supporter of the Union, is the introduction to Eleanor's twelve block sampler.

Harriet Tubman - Star

Learn why Harriet Tubman was called "Moses," then find out how an eight point star is easy to make with Flying Geese patches.

Seminole Woman - Star

A triangle pieced star, dedicated to the women who devised the first quilting method especially for the sewing machine - the Seminole patchwork.

Harriet Beecher Stowe - Star

Eleanor uses light and dark fabrics to add extra dimension to a lovely star, named for the woman whose book stirred the nation's conscience in the fight against slavery.

Clara Barton - Star

Four patch pieces and triangles make an intricate design in this star named for the founder of the American Red Cross.

Sojourner Truth - Star

Sojourner chose her name to describe her mission as a traveling preacher. Her star is an easy eight point that frames a square, perfect for a fussy cut.

Jane Addams - Star

A four patch in the center of her star welcomes the eye, just as Jane welcomed the poor to her settlement house in the slums of Chicago.

Susan B. Anthony - Star

Susan fought for women's rights, but you won't have to fight to make her star! Eleanor demonstrates a grid method that makes this block come together easily.

Eleanor Roosevelt - Star

Alternating colors in the star points give this block a sense of motion, perfect for a woman who was always on the go.

Frances Willard - Star

Prohibition didn't stick, but Frances also led the WCTU in a fight for social reforms such as child labor laws and woman's suffrage. Eleanor assembles a star with a unique lattice center in her memory.

Marie Webster - Star

Eleanor couldn't forget the quilters! She is proud to dedicate this dramatic star to Marie Webster, one of America's most influential quilt designers.

Carrie Hall - Star

Carrie's treasure of quilt blocks grew to over 800! Eleanor shows you how to make one more for your own collection.

Remember the Ladies

In her final program, Eleanor will assemble and finish a twelve block sampler quilt. She'll also demonstrate some unique settings and border treatments devised by the stars of Quilt in a Day.

This is the companion DVD to the book
May not contain yardage charts.
For entertainment purposes only.