Crazy-Licious Scrappy Quilts - Softcover by Janet Nesbitt

SKU: 1325CL
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Crazylicious Scrappy Quilts by Janet Nesbitt of One Sister are a little bit crazy and a whole lot of scrappy!
48 pages and 11 projects
The projects include:
Focus: 94" x 94" Froth & Bubble: 82" x 82"

Steps to Heaven: 82" x 82"

Star Crazy Paws: 73.25" x 91.25"

Stars in My Eyes: 69" x 78"

Sunset Flyover: 49" x 49"

Glass Stars: 38.5" x 38.5"

My Small House: 28" x 34"

Flitter, Flutter, Float: 28" x 34"

Wreathed: 28" x 28"

Crazy Stars and Bars: 28.5" x 28.5"
