Double Wedding Ring Printed Fusible Interfacing by QuiltSmart

SKU: F1000
$5.17 Regular price $5.75
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Quiltsmart has changed their Double Wedding Ring Fusible. The new panels contain more arcs, so less panels are required. The Chart below shows how many panels are required for each quilt size.

***Instructions for one sampler block can be found in the Egg Money Book***

*New Panel Size issued 5/27/08*
Each panel yields sixteen arcs = 4 single rings.

Panels required by quilt size
Sampler block 12"x12": 1
Tablerunner 20"x52": 2
Lap 45"x57": 4
Twin 58"x92": 8
Queen 92"x92": 11
King 104"x96": 13
